by Richard Thorn @thornart2
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River-scenes are amongst my favourite subjects. There are many rivers around where I live in south Devon and I visit all of them to seek out new scenes for my paintings.
Rivers provide an endless variety of compositional possibilities not only for light and colour but also for texture and atmosphere.
Looking forward to this new course. I have all his books
My name is Melissa. I started when I was young by watching my mother and grandmother paint and do other crafty things.
In highschool I decided to take art, in hoping to broaden my experiences and find my place in art and what I felt was "my thing". I was constantly getting poor marks, and little direction. Finally my teacher said I was wasting my time and that maybe I should try drama.
I did so and did not try art again until just last year. I always thought I couldn't do it. It would just be a waste of my time.
Last year I met someone who was and is an artist. His specialty has been 'pen and ink' as well as 'computer art'. He was apalled to hear what that art teacher had said to me. So one day he encouraged me to just try. I bought some acrylic paint and brushes from the dollar store. I showed him the picture I had made and said "see it is horrible, I am not an artist!" But he saw something...and pointed out the positive aspects of my art.
Since then I have been trying to educate myself. I have come to love watercolour although I have much to learn about shading and tones. I am hoping to learn a lot about watercolour through this online course, and perhaps build some self-confidence as well.
I love the backlighting on your trees. It really makes the painting, in my humble opinion!
Teacher Plus@susansingerart Thankyou Susan - yes, backlighting is as important as the tonality. it sets the atmosphere.
Teacher Plus@melissacharnock John Lennon said ''all children are artists until they're told they're not''. I wish you all the best with your art and hope you carry on with it. I'm not the best artist in the world, but hey! who cares. I love it and enjoy it. Just keep plugging away at it.
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