Roll with the Lunges
by Zaheer Carrim @zaheercrm
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Brand: Sootheka Oil
Angle: Using Instagram as our target market uses this form of social media more than any others. Insights also show that the market we engage are predominantly female 18-65.
These are health conscious people with a little or no time to dwell into heavy copy -long copy,
Tone of voice: very simple, direct and a play on words. The product is a rollerball applicator with clove oil as the main ingredient. Clove is beneficial for pain reduction, inflammation and pulling sensations often experienced by gym goers.
Short: We created an image close-up of the rollerball with copy that reads” Roll with the Lunges” (a play on words from Roll with the Punches)
The Twist: The added copy at the bottom reads : Gym Pain. Life Pain.
So this is for those who also experience pain in other areas of their body that occur outside the gym. It is a nice way to show that the “Product” is suitable for everyone, and works for pain in general.
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