Course project
My project in Watercolor Techniques for Dreamlike Illustrations course
by Anna Alcaide @anna_alc
- 79
- 4
- 2

Boceto y pruebas de color
Estas son las pruebas de color que estuve haciendo antes de pintar el proyecto final aunque luego cambié de idea con la luna y la convertí en una especie de pecera.
Antes de digitalizar
El proyecto quedó así, se ve un poco oscuro porque es una foto previa a digitalizar, fui cambiando de idea mientras dibujaba y al final quise convertir el fondo en un espacio cerrado con colores azules y rosados lleno de estrellas de color negro, blanco y dorado.
Después de los retoques
Este es el final quise realzar más los colores de los peces koi que giran alrededor de la luna y dar más claridad a la luna y a su centro y este es el resultado final.

Gemma Capdevila
Teacher PlusThanks for sharing your work. The idea is very nice and I really like it. I would like to tell you that the composition would be better for you if you created a closed world with margins on all sides or you filled all the paper, since these small blank spaces that you have left do not have much coherence and are a bit strange. In addition, I recommend that you try to leave some colors lighter and in others reach a darker color, in this way you will get more contrast. If you imagine your illustration in black and white, practically everything would be a dark gray color, we want to have white and go to black to create contrast. I hope I have helped you, good job
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Hi Gemma, thank you very much. The truth is that I tend to put too much pigment and it is difficult for me to control this to create contrasts and it is something that I have to work on more. I actually made a half-closed space to test how it looked like a comic sandwich, but maybe it wasn't such a good idea ... Thank you very much for stopping to comment, I loved the course :)
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