'Nostalgia Rose' using Faber Castell PolychromosHouseplant Leaves using Faber Castell PolychromosExperimenting with watercolour, my first handmade journal 'colour story'Watercolour practice painting a pear...Water colour practice painting an olive branchA magnolia, practicing more techniques, and my first background practice too!'Free styling' loose painting 'rock roses'Experimenting with luminescent watercolour - love it!'Hydrangea Limelight' one of my favourite flowers.... loving doing leaves!Made another journal and practicing my calligraphy using a paint brush (so tricky!)First go at using 'inking' on top of watercolour, want to explore this more!Large bouquet practice, 'Protea' flower was my inspiration! Love painting 'eucalyptus' Practicing 'layering' watercolour...Love the delicacy of this and these colours too, subtle for me!A two hour 'botanical illustration' workshop I did, want to explore more of this!
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