• Creative Ways to Reduce Climate Change

    Creative Ways to Reduce Climate Change

    We asked creative experts how we can continue to create while reducing our impact on the environment While the climate crisis has been at the center of international politics for years, it could be said that it is at its most crucial moment. It is an issue that increasingly dominates more headlines, brings together mass protests around the world, and fuels grassroots movements that hope to implement measures and put a stop to the catastrophic consequences that we’ve been told will occur, should things continue as they currently are. Climate change is a global issue that affects the whole planet, and while it is difficult to unify every voice around the world with regards to how (or if) we should try to solve it, there are many steps we can take as individuals–in our creative pursuits as well–that will help to reduce our impact and reduce the problem. To learn more about what we can do, we reached out to several creatives to discover how to be more environmentally conscious when it comes to designing, working, and creating. We are the most invasive species to have walked this planet, and now it’s time to show some gratitude and speak up. It’s time for human beings to contribute and be part of a whole, and not just see everything as theirs for the taking. Pablo Salvaje.

  • The UX Trends to Look Out for in 2020

    The UX Trends to Look Out for in 2020

    UX expert Strike Heredia predicts what to expect from user experience design in 2020 UX design refers to user experience design—an essential part of building a successful website, app, or digital software. It takes into account patterns of design and usability, the rules of interaction design, visual hierarchy, layout, and text. Carlos "Strike" Heredia is a graphic designer and UX expert with years of experience working in design, creativity and strategy for different brands. Here, Heredia walks us through what to expect from UX design in 2020. Heredia says, “At this time of year, like clockwork, people begin to predict trends for the coming year across different sectors and industries. It’s the same in UX design (despite the fact we always say to never “presume” anything, and it therefore seems rather ironic to be making predictions). What we can do is review what trends have marked 2019 and look set to peak in 2020.” 1. Chatbots and virtual assistants A rule of thumb is to always put the user first: make processes easier and resolve any problems that could arise. This approach has resulted in chatbots and virtual assistants becoming a key feature in human-machine interaction. From resolving straightforward FAQs to more complex artificial intelligence, chatbots and virtual assistants create a more comfortable experience for the user and this is why they will continue to evolve in 2020.

  • How to Present Your Craft Projects in a Portfolio and on Social Media

    How to Present Your Craft Projects in a Portfolio and on Social Media

    When it comes to creative professions, especially in the world of crafts, the creator can be responsible for multiple parts of the process Those who work in embroidery, ceramics, or textile art often oversee every stage of a project’s development, as well as handling marketing and building a global image for their brand. This is why it’s so important to stay up-to-date with new tips and tools that will help with all of the extras, such as knowing how to best present your work in a portfolio or on social media. Here, ceramic artist Paula Casella (@paulacasellabiase) and textile artist María La Biyux (@marialabiyux) share some of their top tips on how to get the most out of sharing your craft work online.

  • 5 Interior Design Trends from 2019

    5 Interior Design Trends from 2019

    We review the interior design trends that have defined the past year, summarized in five colors Design is the result of its time, and the design of the spaces in which we spend our time–be it hotels, restaurants or other public places–even more. Each year–each decade–has its favorite interior design trends, in terms of color, shape or materials, which respond to contemporary concerns in fashion and society. Ana Hernández and Christophe Penasse, from the interior design and product studio Masquespacio, are always up to date with the latest trends in this area of ​​design, so we decided to ask them about the five top trends in interior design that have marked this past 2019. As they point out, "our 2019 trend proposals are based on the use of color and the different representation that each one can have for a trend. Each of them, in addition, can be used both in the use of materials or the color itself." Go for it. Beige White: Natural / Craftsman The use of beige white colors is intended to represent an aesthetic that seeks to connect with the natural and the artisanal.