Creative Ways to Reduce Climate Change
We asked creative experts how we can continue to create while reducing our impact on the environment While the climate crisis has been at the center of international politics for years, it could be said that it is at its most crucial moment. It is an issue that increasingly dominates more headlines, brings together mass protests around the world, and fuels grassroots movements that hope to implement measures and put a stop to the catastrophic consequences that we’ve been told will occur, should things continue as they currently are. Climate change is a global issue that affects the whole planet, and while it is difficult to unify every voice around the world with regards to how (or if) we should try to solve it, there are many steps we can take as individuals–in our creative pursuits as well–that will help to reduce our impact and reduce the problem. To learn more about what we can do, we reached out to several creatives to discover how to be more environmentally conscious when it comes to designing, working, and creating. We are the most invasive species to have walked this planet, and now it’s time to show some gratitude and speak up. It’s time for human beings to contribute and be part of a whole, and not just see everything as theirs for the taking. Pablo Salvaje.