• Understanding Organic Architecture: Harmonizing Structure with Nature

    Understanding Organic Architecture: Harmonizing Structure with Nature

    Organic architecture, a term popularized by the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright, advocates for designs that harmonize buildings with their environment, ensuring structures not only respect but also become one with their natural surroundings. At its core, organic architecture seeks to create a symbiotic relationship between human habitation and the natural world. Wright's vision was not about imitating nature's forms but rather about understanding the principles that govern the natural world and integrating them into design and construction. This philosophy is predicated on the belief that every building should grow naturally from its environment, with consideration for the site, materials, and purpose, to achieve a harmonious and integrated result.

  • Living with mistakes
    Teacher Illustration

    Living with mistakes

    When we stop fighting with our mistakes and choose to live with them, a new attitude appears that relates the illustrator with his own imperfect work, with new, much healthier and, above all, much lighter ties. When we deny and try to harshly correct our mistakes, a self-demandingness can appear that if we let it grow too much, it can pull us, first a little and then a lot, until we deviate and leave us in a place where it becomes more and more difficult to feel the enjoyment of doing something as noble as drawing. Fighting so much with the mistakes can become an obstacle for creation, also supposing an extra load of stress that we are already pulling and bringing a fog for a mind that, now more worried about achieving something, almost forgets to experience something. To stop fighting with our own mistakes allows us to open a kinder space so that the next time we “make a mistake” we can take the time to consider the possibility of living with them and also consider the possibility of including them as part of our work. Accepting that these mistakes are in themselves the flip side of every success and that, because of this, successes and mistakes make us the creative that we are, creates the possibility of trying to create a dialogue (and perhaps a style) using both sides of the coin, knowing that mistakes more often reveal the most honest aspects of each person. Does this mean to stop looking for constant improvement? Never, but it does mean a change in the attitude with which we choose to improve. We can lighten our quest for improvement by changing the conflict as a starting point and move to a much calmer place of acceptance where there is the peace of mind that comes from ceasing to pursue so demandingly. Drawing without the possibility of erasing, is a practice that can help us to relate back to our work. To see undeniably the things we would like to improve, to see the things we would like to throw away, to see without the possibility of hiding the things we would like to change and, also, to see the things we would like to keep. Living with mistakes in this way allows us to find ourselves again in our work. Because to stop fighting with mistakes is also to stop fighting with oneself. And to close, a practical invitation: Join my Domestika course Professional Illustration Techniques: From Sketches to Vectors where you will learn the necessary techniques, both analog and digital, to turn a draft into an editorial illustration with a professional finish, with which you feel identified. See you there! El Profe.

  • STEP BY STEP PATTERN: A guide to create your own embroidery designs.
    Teacher Craft

    STEP BY STEP PATTERN: A guide to create your own embroidery designs.

    A pattern is like a map, it shows us where the most important parts of our drawing are located, their textures, volumes and details. It helps us to better understand our reference and serves as a guide to embroider our project. Would you like to know how to make your patterns step by step? Here I share with you the process I use to create my own designs. STEP 1. LOCATE THE DARKEST AREAS Pointing out the darkest areas first when creating your pattern is critical for several reasons. These areas provide the contrast and depth needed for the design to stand out and be perceived clearly, it establishes a foundation to better distribute light and shadows throughout the design, and it helps us create a more realistic and detailed image. So look at your image and mark the blackest areas you can find. STEP 2. MARK THE MAIN ELEMENTS Before you go on to mark other areas of your reference, concentrate on tracing the main elements of it. If you are working with animals for example, this is the time to draw everything that makes your specimen special: it can be the most prominent beak, eyes and feathers if it is a bird; or the antennae, spots and wings if it is an insect. To differentiate those unique elements and avoid confusing them with the rest of the reference, you will need to mark each of them in detail, so take the time to do it. The more detailed your map is, the better you will be able to understand the embroidery. STEP 3. HIGHLIGHT THE CLEAREST AREAS Now that you have most of the elements of your reference marked, you are going to focus on the clearest areas of your image. Define where the lightest sections are, remember that we are not looking for gray areas, but the whitest you can see. Try to mark them very carefully and with a fine-tipped tool, since they are very light areas, we want them to keep their tone. STEP 4. CONTOURS Finally, we will concentrate on tracing the contours of our image. Personally, I recommend that you always do this step of the process with broken or separated lines. Doing it with continuous and thick lines could make it difficult to visualize correctly the lighter or thinner contours. Therefore, as a last step, create the most visible contours little by little and try not to mark them too much. And that's it! Your pattern is finally finished. If you still have doubts about the process of making your own patterns, you can download the free pattern making guide at the end of the article. In it you will find a step-by-step diagram to make your pattern. Remember that you can consult it whenever you need help to make your own embroidery sketches. If you want to know more about pattern making and learn about the technique of drawing with thread, I invite you to see my domestika course “Drawing with Thread” where we will do different exercises to understand how to realistically embroider a jaguar and it will also be full of many more tips. See you over there, beautiful person of the world! Ceci.

  • YouTube Tutorial: How to Create Video Campaigns
    Teacher Marketing

    YouTube Tutorial: How to Create Video Campaigns

    Learn How to Create a Video Ad for YouTube with Google Ads[ The world of digital marketing can be a bit overwhelming at first, with its numbers, graphs and formulas, but the truth is that it is more intuitive than one might think and knowing Google Ads tools creating our first video campaign is not so complex. And even less so with the advice of Arantxa & Guille, marketing consultants with years of experience in creating digital advertising campaigns, both video and other formats. Below, Arantxa explains clearly and concisely how to create your first video campaign with Google Ads, so you can get started in the world of digital marketing and start promoting your brand or business:

  • Fashion Illustration Tip: How to abstract and simplify silhouette

    Fashion Illustration Tip: How to abstract and simplify silhouette

    Unleash your inner fashion designer with Jessica Durrant's free watercolor tips for fashion illustration. Dive into her expert advice for a colorful journey into creative expression! Welcome to a world where style meets artistry, where every stroke of the brush is a step closer to bringing your fashion fantasies to life. Today, we're diving headfirst into the world of watercolor fashion illustration with Jessica Durrant. Buckle up because this creative journey is about to get colorful!

  • Fashion Illustration Tutorial: 2 Exercises To Play With Watercolor

    Fashion Illustration Tutorial: 2 Exercises To Play With Watercolor

    Unleash your creativity with Jessica Durrant's tutorial, perfect for fashion illustration enthusiasts. Learn the wet-on-wet technique with two fun exercises and bring your fashion designs to life in vibrant watercolors! Ready to dip your brushes into a world of color and couture? Today, we're diving into the mesmerizing world of watercolor fashion illustration with none other than our Domestika teacher, Jessica Durrant (@jessillustrator). What awaits is a canvas of possibilities, a palette of dreams, and a tutorial that's about to splash some serious inspiration onto your artistic journey.

  • Digital Embroidery on Photoshop: Art on Scarves
    Teacher Craft

    Digital Embroidery on Photoshop: Art on Scarves

    Hello! I'm Carolê, a visual artist and pattern and surface designer since 2010. I find inspiration as I travel across Brazil, always inspired by and breathing in our culture. In this context, the main narratives for my creations emerge. We begin our journey along the edges of the scarf, where each stitch reflects a story, a culture. In the world of digital embroidery, preserving the authenticity of the "little flaws" is what brings our art to life. In Photoshop, each "stitch" is an opportunity to show that imperfection is, in fact, perfectly human.

  • Acrylic Alchemy: Tips for Mesmerizing Fantasy Art
    Teacher Illustration

    Acrylic Alchemy: Tips for Mesmerizing Fantasy Art

    My journey through the realm of fantasy art spans three decades, intertwining my passion for bird photography with the intricate world of role-playing game illustrations. The fusion of these worlds has enabled me to inject a dose of realism into the fantastical, crafting pieces that captivate and tell stories beyond words. The cornerstone of my artistic practice is rooted in the initial stages: sketching thumbnails until I find the one that works, shaping it into a final drawing, and then basing the acrylic painting on this drawing. The thumbnail stage is crucial for composition, and for breaking down the grand vision into small, manageable sections. It's here that the painting begins to take shape, segment by segment, ensuring each piece contributes to the whole. If you don’t get your thumbnail right before you start your painting, you will have to start the whole painting process over later on. I prefer working on watercolor board, but watercolor paper works as well. I use a simple photocopy and some coal to transfer my final drawing onto the board for the painting. The mood is set using lighting, bounce light, shadow and movement. The painting steps themselves are divided into different coloring stages. I usually start dark and go lighter along the way, ending the process with all the finer details. To breathe life into my artwork, I rely on a meticulously crafted moodboard, a collection of references that infuse realism into the fantastical. Whether it's the anatomy of bat wings, the fierce facial expression of a T-Rex or raptor head, the graceful glide of flying dinosaurs, or the ethereal beauty of cloudscapes, each element serves to ground my creations in a semblance of reality while allowing imagination to soar. What makes a painting believable, isn’t just physical accuracy. The mood of the character, particularly when it occupies the focal point, is paramount. From the nuanced facial expressions to intricate details of a backpack, or the unique features of a creature companion, everything has to feel real. So it’s very important to look at the real word for inspiration. Hopefully by the end of the process the painting will capture both the eye and the heart. For those eager to dive deeper into the world of fantasy acrylic painting, to explore the interplay of realism and imagination, I’m thrilled to be able to share my creative process in the art of fantasy acrylic painting with you in my new Domestica painting course.

  • How to commit to your novel in order to finish it
    Teacher Writing

    How to commit to your novel in order to finish it

    There’s nothing quite like the rush of excitement when you get a new novel idea. There’s also nothing quite so damning as hitting a wall and … um, wondering if you have what it takes to actually finish that novel. I recently talked with a writer who said he has a problem finishing because he’s unable to take the leap and commit to the time it takes to finish. “I find myself mulling the story over, thinking about the characters, and wondering what will happen next,” he says. “But I rarely take the time to sit down and put some of those thoughts into actual words.” It’s true, books require one thing beyond inspiration, great ideas, and wonderful writing: commitment. And that means that some days you’ll feel yourself plodding or outright stuck (and miserable). Writing a novel has been compared to months of pregnancy, running a marathon, climbing a mountain, or even going to war. And it can feel like all those things in one. So, one crucial task of finishing a book is to believe that the very act of finishing is magic itself because the stamina it takes to finish a novel is the same kind it takes to make a novel good. “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop,” said Confucius, who had to be talking about novel writing. It’s tough to keep moving, though. The slow march of daily progress can abrade against the sparkling zeal that fuels the early creative stages, and the day-after-dayness of it all often exhausts writers’ attention spans. It’s critical to remember that training for a marathon isn’t just about physical training; it’s also about preparing your mind to run for such a long time. This is where the metaphor of pregnancy doesn’t necessarily apply: Some novels take nine months, but some might take nine years. Writing The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao was anything but brief for Junot Díaz: It took 10 years. J.R.R. Tolkien labored 12 years over Lord of the Rings, as did Victor Hugo on Les Misérables. That’s fitting, you say, these are all big books. But Catcher in the Rye also took 10 years. You need to prepare your mind for the grind no matter what length or how ambitious your novel is.

  • A.I. times. Between impersonation and cohabitation
    Teacher Writing

    A.I. times. Between impersonation and cohabitation

    Despite the fact that I consider myself a fan of science fiction and seriously believe that it holds the keys to immunize us against the most undesirable projections of the future; and also despite the fact that, as Woody Allen said, inspired in turn by a phrase of Albert Einstein, "I care a lot about the future because it is the place where I intend to spend the rest of my life," I do not have a crystal ball to look into tomorrow and understand from this intricate present the impacts that Artificial Intelligence will have on the future: "I care a lot about the future because it is the place where I intend to spend the rest of my life", I do not have a crystal ball to peer into tomorrow and understand from this intricate present the impacts that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have on humanity, society, culture, trades, daily life, life, the universe and everything else (paraphrasing Douglas Adams).

  • Diving into the World of Writing: Strategies and Secrets of the Craft
    Teacher Writing

    Diving into the World of Writing: Strategies and Secrets of the Craft

    Hello everyone! I'm María José Castaño and today I want to immerse us in the fascinating world of writing with a master class from one of the great masters: Ernest Hemingway. Have you ever heard about his iceberg theory and how it transformed the way we understand storytelling? Well, get ready for an exciting journey through the hidden depths of literature. In my Domestika course, "Reading for writing," we explore lessons from great authors to improve our writing skills. And among these lessons, Hemingway's iceberg theory ranks high.

  • Troubleshooting Common Cold Saponification Complications
    Teacher Craft

    Troubleshooting Common Cold Saponification Complications

    Hello everyone! We are Mariana and Jose Miguel from Mar Amoli, and today we are excited to share with you some valuable insights directly from our "Introduction to Artisanal Soapmaking" course. Soap making is a wonderful art but, like any craft process, it can present its challenges, especially when working with the cold saponification technique.

  • Free Download: Guide to define the personality of your brand in 5 steps
    Teacher Marketing

    Free Download: Guide to define the personality of your brand in 5 steps

    The personality of a brand is fundamental since it is the soul and essence that distinguishes it and makes it unique. Defining the personality before starting to design will make your document have coherence with your visual identity. Here is a step-by-step guide with five keys to define personality effectively:

  • Boost Your Online Business: Growth Hacking Secrets Revealed!
    Teacher Marketing

    Boost Your Online Business: Growth Hacking Secrets Revealed!

    Hello! I'm Luca Barboni, an expert in growth hacking and digital marketing, with a career spanning from founding the only Growth consulting firm in Italy, 247X, to be a partner with growthhackers.com, to organizing the largest European conference on the subject. My path of over 10 years of experience has always been characterized by constant learning on the field, international collaborations, and practical application working side by side with solopreneurs, startups, small, and large companies. I'm here to share with you the same practical method used by Silicon Valley startups - to grow your online business.

  • Ikebana at Home: Achieving Serenity with Japanese Flower Artistry
    Teacher Craft

    Ikebana at Home: Achieving Serenity with Japanese Flower Artistry

    Ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging, transcends mere decoration to embody a blend of nature, spirituality, and creativity. This practice, deeply rooted in Zen Buddhism, teaches patience, appreciation for the fleeting beauty of life, and a profound connection with nature. In the modern home, ikebana offers not just a method to beautify spaces but also a way to cultivate serenity and mindfulness. Here’s how you can integrate the graceful art of ikebana into your living environment.

  • Discovering Lunéville Embroidery: Five Essential Tips to Start Your Passion
    Teacher Craft

    Discovering Lunéville Embroidery: Five Essential Tips to Start Your Passion

    Are you ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Lunéville embroidery? If you answered yes, today is your lucky day! I venture with you on this artistic journey, sharing five essential tips for getting started with Lunéville embroidery, a technique that has captured my heart and imagination. And don't worry, whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced embroiderer, there will be something for everyone.

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Crochet Wire Jewelry
    Teacher Craft

    A Beginner’s Guide to Crochet Wire Jewelry

    Embarking on the journey of making crochet wire jewelry can be both exciting and daunting. This unique craft combines a new approach to using a crochet hook with an unexpected medium of wire, opening up a world of creative possibilities. Whether you're a seasoned crocheter looking to explore new materials or a complete novice drawn to the allure of handmade jewelry, these five tips will set you on the path to success.

  • Advantages of Using Unity 2022 for Game Development
    Teacher 3D & Animation

    Advantages of Using Unity 2022 for Game Development

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of game development, Unity stands out as a beacon for creators, offering a suite of powerful tools and features that cater to developers of all levels. Unity has long been celebrated for its accessibility and versatility, but the 2022 version elevates the game development process to new heights. Here are some key advantages of using Unity 2022 that underscore why it is the go-to software for game developers worldwide.

  • "Nanotecture" design of Small Spaces into Multifunctional and Versatile Environments

    "Nanotecture" design of Small Spaces into Multifunctional and Versatile Environments

    Dear readers of this Community! Here are Catherine and Francisco, founding architects of Estudio D.E.B and teachers of Domestika. We stopped by to share with you one of the most avant-garde trends in architecture: Nanotecture or small-scale architecture. This is a discipline that refers to the creation of architectural structures and spaces that are remarkably compact, space efficient and often highly specialized in their function. These works challenge the conventions of conventional architecture by operating in much smaller dimensions, but at the same time maintain a focus on design quality and spatial experience. Small-scale architecture is often distinguished by its ability to maximize functionality and aesthetics in a limited space, offering innovative solutions to problems of housing, work, recreation or any other specific user need.

  • Crafting Magical Worlds: The Art of Composition in Fantasy Illustration
    Teacher Illustration

    Crafting Magical Worlds: The Art of Composition in Fantasy Illustration

    As an illustrator, my creative journey has led me through a myriad of projects, from animation art to book publishing, to advertising, to comic creating. However, it's in my personal time where I truly delve into creating my own personal fantasy art, creating Risograph prints that are inspired by whimsical adventures that are fully my own. Through my monthly Riso print club, I share a new fantastical print every month, each one a testament to the magic of storytelling and illustration. It helps me make a new fantasy print each month, and has helped me find my own voice and taste in a field where a clients vision can sometimes take precedence.

  • Urban Anna's secrets for illustrating captivating facades
    Teacher Illustration

    Urban Anna's secrets for illustrating captivating facades

    As artists, our canvas extends beyond mere buildings; we are the narrators of urban tales, entrusted with the noble task of encapsulating the essence and spirit of the facades and spaces we depict. Join me, Urban Anna, on a creative odyssey where we delve into the captivating world of watercolor, unveiling four secrets to infusing life into our architectural muses.

  • Exploring the Fascinating World of Slow Fashion: Five Organizations That Are Transforming the Textile Industry
    Teacher Craft

    Exploring the Fascinating World of Slow Fashion: Five Organizations That Are Transforming the Textile Industry

    Hello everyone! I'm Constanza Bielsa Ferreyra, architect, designer and jewelry creator, today I want to take us into the exciting and much needed universe of slow fashion and sustainable design. In the field of contemporary design, the value of sustainable design and the reuse of garments and fabrics is increasingly evident. It is no longer just a trend, but a powerful movement that is transforming the fashion industry. Contemporary designers are embracing the idea of creating unique and meaningful pieces that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also environmentally friendly and socially responsible. The reuse of materials and the incorporation of ethical practices in production are becoming fundamental pillars of contemporary design, adding additional value to creations and generating a positive impact on society.

  • The Golden Ratio in Commercial Image Design
    Teacher Design

    The Golden Ratio in Commercial Image Design

    Let's talk about a tool that has captivated designers and artists throughout history, one that is key in the game of proportions and visual balance: the golden ratio. This fascinating concept, also known as the "divine proportion" or "golden number," has been a fundamental element in the world of graphic design and visual composition. The golden ratio is a mathematical principle that manifests itself in a specific relationship between the parts of a whole, creating a harmonious visual balance. It can also be known as the "golden ratio", "golden section" or "golden division". This magic ratio has been used in works of art, architecture and design to create aesthetically pleasing and balanced compositions.

  • Crafting Illusion: The Art of Graphic Props in Filmmaking
    Teacher Craft

    Crafting Illusion: The Art of Graphic Props in Filmmaking

    Graphic props are the unsung heroes of the cinematic world, silently shaping narratives and enriching the visual tapestry of films. These are the meticulously crafted items, from aged treasure maps to futuristic newspapers, that actors interact with on screen, grounding fantastical stories in a tactile reality. Designing and making graphic props is an art that requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of storytelling, and the ability to transport audiences into the film's universe. Here's a closer look at the nuanced process of creating graphic props for filmmaking.

  • Understanding the Needs of Creative Teams: A Comprehensive Guide
    Teacher Marketing

    Understanding the Needs of Creative Teams: A Comprehensive Guide

    In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving creative industry, understanding the nuanced needs of creative teams is pivotal for fostering an environment that encourages innovation, collaboration, and productivity. Creative teams, composed of individuals with diverse talents and perspectives, are at the heart of generating original ideas and solutions. However, their optimal functioning hinges on recognizing and meeting their unique requirements. This article delves into strategies for better understanding and addressing the needs of creative teams, thereby enhancing their potential to innovate and succeed. Recognize the Importance of Clear Communication Clear and open communication is the cornerstone of effective creative teamwork. It involves not only articulating project goals and expectations but also fostering an environment where feedback and ideas can be freely exchanged. Ensuring that team members are on the same page minimizes misunderstandings and promotes a cohesive approach to projects. Leaders should encourage regular check-ins and provide platforms for sharing ideas and concerns, thereby building trust and clarity within the team. Cultivate a Supportive and Inspirational Environment Creativity thrives in environments that are both supportive and stimulating. Creating a workspace that inspires creativity can range from the physical layout of the office to the cultural atmosphere that encourages risk-taking without fear of failure. Celebrating successes, acknowledging efforts, and learning from failures are essential practices that bolster a team’s confidence and drive. Additionally, providing resources such as workshops, conferences, and access to creative tools can further empower team members and spark innovative thinking. Foster Collaboration While Respecting Individuality Creative teams benefit from a delicate balance between collaboration and individual autonomy. While teamwork is essential for pooling diverse skills and perspectives, creative professionals also need space to explore their ideas independently. Recognizing the individual working styles within the team and accommodating these preferences can lead to more productive and satisfied team members. Activities such as brainstorming sessions and team-building exercises can enhance collaboration, whereas flexible scheduling and personal project time can support individual creativity. Promote Continuous Learning and Development The creative industry is characterized by rapid changes in trends, technologies, and methodologies. As such, providing opportunities for continuous learning and professional development is key to keeping the team’s skills sharp and relevant. Encouraging participation in training sessions, online courses, and industry events not only aids in personal growth but also benefits the team by bringing fresh insights and ideas into the creative process. In my Domestika course you will learn how to understand and meet the needs of creative teams in a multifaceted industry that requires thoughtful consideration and action. You will see how by fostering clear communication, creating an inspiring and supportive environment and managing workloads effectively, leaders can unlock the full potential of their creative teams.

  • Blending Tradition & Technology: A Guide to Mixed Media Illustration
    Teacher Illustration

    Blending Tradition & Technology: A Guide to Mixed Media Illustration

    In the vibrant world of illustration, artists continuously explore and innovate to express their unique visions. The blend of analogue and digital techniques represents a fusion of tradition and modernity, offering limitless possibilities for creativity. This article delves into practical ways to combine these two realms, providing artists with the tools to enrich their visual storytelling.

  • Typography Tutorial: 3 tips for choosing a typeface

    Typography Tutorial: 3 tips for choosing a typeface

    Practical tips for choosing a typeface, to take into account before starting your graphic design project When we want to communicate something, it is as important to decide what we say as how we say it: content is as important as form. When starting a graphic design project in which we are going to include text, this rule is even more essential: the typography we choose (the form) will completely transform what we want to say (the content) To help you when choosing a typography for your project, the graphic designer specialized in editorial design Enric Jardí (@enricjardi) has 3 essential tips to always keep in mind