Eileen Truax
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Eileen Truax

Barcelona, Spanien

Eileen Truax

I'm Eileen Truax, journalist and writer specialized in Migration and Politics.

I was born and raised in Mexico City, where I worked as political reporter for five years. In 2004 I moved to the United States and since then I've published stories in several outlets from the US, Latin America and Spain, such as in The Washington Post, The New York Times ES, Vice, Americas Quarterly, Longreads, El Faro, Proceso, and Gatopardo, among others.

I've published three journalistic books about migration and borders: "Dreamers, an Immigrant Generation’s fight for their American Dream" (Beacon Press, 2015); "We built the wall. How the US keeps out Asylum Seekers from Mexico, Central America and Beyond" (Verso, 2018), and "How does it feel to be unwanted. Stories of Resistance and Resilience from Mexican in the United States" (Beacon Press, 2018) The three of them have been published in Spanish too. I'm also co-author of "Fecha de Caducidad" a novel published in Spanish by Alfaguara (2015). My work has been published in six other journalism books.

As part of my work with journalism and migration, I frequently teach workshops and give talks and seminars in colleges and universities. I'm Content Director for the Congreso Internacional de Periodismo de Migraciones, a yearly event celebrated in Mérida, Spain.
I'm currently working on a project about mental health services for undocumented youth in the United States, and on my next book, about binational communities in the US-Mexico borderlands.

After living for 15 years in Los Angeles, I was a happy Michigander for a couple of years as a Knight-Wallace fellow, a journalism program at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. I currently live in Barcelona, Spain, with my husband and my two cats––but I would move around as needed if anyone finds a place with good tacos.

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