
5 Interesting Facts About India Ink

  • von @silvia.laboreo

From who used it first to its evolution through the ages, find out more about one of the most popular materials of all time

You may know that India ink was invented thousands of years ago in China (and that in many countries it is known as Chinese ink) and that it’s used in the legendary art of calligraphy. But did you know who were the first people to use it? Or that traditional India ink wasn’t in fact a liquid?

Discover these and other fascinating facts about India ink in the video below:

1. Why are flowers so important in the history of India ink?

‘Four Gentlemen’ play a very important part in Sumi-e, an ancestral technique using India ink. The name of this art is formed by the words sumi, which means ink, and e, which means painting.

Contrary to what their name might suggest, the Four Gentlemen are not nobles at an emperor’s court, but the brushstrokes associated with four specific plants. Orchids represent spring, bamboo: summer, chrysanthemums: fall and plum blossom: winter.


Der Inhalt ist exklusiv für angemeldete Benutzer.

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